Lost Cities and villages
Written by Ithacorama Portal on 28.10.2013
The first city founded was the Odyssean Asti . As for its location, the opinions of archaeologists are divided.
Others place it in Aetos and others in North Ithaca, in the triangle between the villages of Stavros, Exogi and Platrithias focusing on the location Pilikata as it is the only place in Ithaca , where three seas appear . Homer says that out of the city of Ulysses appeared three seas ! Meaning, looking to three different points of the horizon , you could see the sea. Exogi : School of Homer.
The second opinion , which is the most prevalent for Asti is the opinion expressed by the first Englishman Leake, whose attention went to the name of the port . In various excavations in this region he discovered Mycenaean finds . In the city there are the so-called "Cave of the Wolf " (from the name of the owner of the property ) , which also found ancient artifacts and some archaeologists believed that this cave is the Homeric " Cave of the Nymphs ."
Another city of Ithaca, according to the ancient writers were Alalkomenes at Aetos . Alaso the opinions are divided . Others believe that the city has existed since the time of Odysseus and others later in the 8th century. The existence of the city Alalkomenes mentioned by Plutarch and Strabona . In many writers the existence of the city name Alalkomenes is due to Odysseus was born on Alalkomenes Boeotia and gave the name of his hometown in this city of Ithaca. But this information, it seems unlikely.
Anogi : Geological menhirs . Stephen of Byzantium mentions the city Kynetha, but no information about it. Ptolemy and Skylax said that the city called Ithaca is not yet known if specified in the Homeric city or a later , because they do not give other details .
Newest Cities and villages:
The city is named Jerusalem which says Anna Comnena in the work of Alex in 1089 and placed at the current location Rousanos , southwest of Mount Exogi where tombs of the Christian year where discovered .
North of the Perachori village there was the Koukouvata city , from which ruins of houses are saved to today. This settlement is known as Paliochora . Apparently the name was given by downstream residents, who after the elimination of piracy, abandoned the city and then founded around 1700 today's Vathy .
Castle in Frikes.
Stephen Vyzantios records the settlement Korakostefano, the inhabitants were called Korakopetraioi . This site is associated with Korakos Petra which mentioned by the Homer in Odyssey and existed in Kalamos . Korakos Stone Homer's description resembles also the are Pera Pigadi at Marathia . The William Gell, who toured the island in 1805, says that he saw a cemetery in this are, and the area was named Mnimata . Vizantios referring to this settlement , he would obviously mean the location Pera Pigadi at Marathias.
The Bassadona mentions two other old settlements in Anogi and Exogi . The Exogi inhabited since 1600 and the settlement was then called Bassadona Stafronikion . Kolieri : Stone column shows the elevation of the human spirit.
Another village lost was Malo, at the are of Agia Kyriaki where preserved there until today the ruins of houses. At the slope of Anogi was a settlement called Paxinata , whose residents when passed the fear of pirates moved to Lefki. Another settlement that extinguished is Ai Lias , west of the bay Afales . At Stavros Villagfe up to the mountain Nirito , was the village called Maggano . In the periphery of Stavros there were also two settlements called Evgereti and Stella , who have been abandoned for many years.