Written by Ithacorama Portal on 24.10.2013The carnival was a special celebration for everyone.
Young and old would enjoy its unforgettable festivity with songs, dance and of course costumes and masks, usually resembling the Venetian style. People would wander from house to house at night playing practical jokes on those who prefer to stay home. The last day of the Carnival a parade would take place with a competition for the best costumes and the most impressive presentation.
The next morning, the fortieth day before Easter, lent began; the day was spent in the country with an ample supply of food and wine necessary for the high spirits, songs and dance.
-Ιθάκη Τότε και Τώρα- Εκδσεις Σπύρος Δενδρινός, Σπύρος Χ. Δενδρινός - Αλέκος Φ. Καλλίνικος
-Ιστορικά και Λαογραφικά Ανάλεκτα της Ιθάκης - Ανδρέα Λ. Αναγνωστάτου
-Θιάκά Μοιρολόγια (Ημερολόγιο Ιθάκης, 1929)