Written by Ithacorama Portal on 26.10.2013
The poet does not write about life after death although this seems to be against the Christian religion.
The Ithacan lamentation is a song about life, not about death. The lyrics depict Charon as having no feelings, comprehension or mercy. He is always wicked, inhuman, crafty and he is often called a pirate. These lamentations never refer to burning in hell or the gates of heaven.
“ Charon is unjust and a secret pirate,
stalking through the night, plundering at dawn,
where he passes, the next day friends and family cry.
Look, he comes into sight, riding through the valley,
dragging young men by their locks, young girls by their plaits and grabbing children up onto his horse’s saddle. ”
“ The earth must be content, she must be full of pride,
she should be wearing her very best,
for swallowing the young men and their guns,
and beautiful young girls like jewels."
“ Converse with Charon that 1 would, be he a human being,
I'd bow down and prostrate at his feet, for him to judge orphans and their mothers,
if he could with compassion. ”
“ Today the black ground opens up and the underworld with it,
mothers run with joy and sisters with smiles on their lips,
where the doctor, the good doctor is going to the underworld
to cure the sick and heal the wounded
It’s a misfortune, unfair and an offense against God,
that such a physique, such intelligence is to disappear into the ground to be eaten.
He should have a coffin of gold and crystal/ to be laid down at the crossroads
to heal the sick and wounded
Don’t take those precious golden hands
to let the poor be glad his widow to take pride in
and his orphans to be supported by. ”
-Ιθάκη Τότε και Τώρα- Εκδσεις Σπύρος Δενδρινός, Σπύρος Χ. Δενδρινός - Αλέκος Φ. Καλλίνικος
-Ιστορικά και Λαογραφικά Ανάλεκτα της Ιθάκης - Ανδρέα Λ. Αναγνωστάτου
-Θιάκά Μοιρολόγια (Ημερολόγιο Ιθάκης, 1929)