Saint Konstantinos
Written by chris ithacorama on 01.11.2013
The small chapel of Saint Konstantinos is in the area of Kanelata Vathi , on the road leading to Sarakiniko and Filiatro.
It is not known when it was built, However, according to information we have, it existed the time when the saint Joachim, the famous in all of us Papoulakis lived, so it is over 150 years old.
The location is ideal, because in the area we can see Vathy on the west, and the Bay of Sarakiniko and the blue sea in the east.
It is a rectangular chapel, with stone plaster and wooden roof. The strange thing in this is that it has two niches in the altar, because as we know, Saint Constantine celebrated together with his mother St. Helen.
Inside there are recent sacred pictures, because the old ones are lost. The only thing survived is an old image of the Virgin Marry, which is kept for security reasons at the Metropolitan Cathedral, in the parish who owns that chapel.
The festival takes place on 21 May each year. Previously after the operation was a feast with lots of people dancing and having fun.
Εργασία 7/θεσιου δημοτικού σχολειού Ιθάκης
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Εκπαιδευτικοί: Ηλία Αιμιλία - Μίχτη Σίσσυ
Μαθητές: Βεντούρα Ερμίνα, Αιβάνη Μαντώ, Δευτεραίου Βασιλική, Μιχαλοπούλου Αννα, Κορνάρος Ανδρέας, Μπακαγιάννη Δήμητρα, Λιβιεράτου Νίκη, Ντύλγια Μπλερίμ, Ματαράγκα Χαρίκλεια, Πάνου Μαρία, Μορφέσης Πάνος, Παπαδόπουλος Κων/ντίνος, Μωραΐτης Αλέξανδρος, Πατσαλιά-Κωστήρη Άρτεμις, Ντύλγια Μανώλης, Ρεμαντά Αναστασία, Πατσαλιά-Κωστήρη Δανάη, Σιμήρη Νίκη, Πετράτου Μέμη, Φιοράτου Εύα, Σαρακίνας Γ ιώργος, Χίκα Μάριος, Σμπούκης Γιάννης, Σολδάτος Αποστολής, Ταφλαμπά Φαίδρα, Τσέλα Κων/ντίνος, Χάνος Κων/ντίνος και Χίκα Έλο.

chris ithacorama
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