Saint Nicholas - Aetos
Written by chris ithacorama on 01.11.2013In front of Aetos, just meters above the sea, with direct access from a public road, is the small and beautiful church of St. Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas was born in Patara in Lycia ( Asia Minor ) , became abbot of Zion Myra in Lycia and later bishop of this city . During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian, he suffered terrible tortures.
According to tradition, the church was built to commemorate the transfer of the relics of the Saint. It is said that the ship carrying the sacred relics, traveling to Italy, on May 20, 1807 was just outside Ithaca. For this reason this church is celebrated on May 20.
In 2003 because of some carelessness, the church was burned. The damages were a lot, but with concerted efforts and the help that everyone has provided, in a single year (2004 ) it was rebuilt even better than before.
Saint Nicholas is a patron of seafarers. His image exists on every boat traveling by Christians .
The church celebrates St. Nicholas on Dec. 6 .
Εργασία 7/θεσιου δημοτικού σχολειού Ιθάκης
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Εκπαιδευτικοί: Ηλία Αιμιλία - Μίχτη Σίσσυ
Μαθητές: Βεντούρα Ερμίνα, Αιβάνη Μαντώ, Δευτεραίου Βασιλική, Μιχαλοπούλου Αννα, Κορνάρος Ανδρέας, Μπακαγιάννη Δήμητρα, Λιβιεράτου Νίκη, Ντύλγια Μπλερίμ, Ματαράγκα Χαρίκλεια, Πάνου Μαρία, Μορφέσης Πάνος, Παπαδόπουλος Κων/ντίνος, Μωραΐτης Αλέξανδρος, Πατσαλιά-Κωστήρη Άρτεμις, Ντύλγια Μανώλης, Ρεμαντά Αναστασία, Πατσαλιά-Κωστήρη Δανάη, Σιμήρη Νίκη, Πετράτου Μέμη, Φιοράτου Εύα, Σαρακίνας Γ ιώργος, Χίκα Μάριος, Σμπούκης Γιάννης, Σολδάτος Αποστολής, Ταφλαμπά Φαίδρα, Τσέλα Κων/ντίνος, Χάνος Κων/ντίνος και Χίκα Έλο.

chris ithacorama
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